Young Adults With Acne May Benefit from Zinc


Young  adults with acne may benefit from Zinc

Many young adults, especially young men,  are plagued by the skin condition cystic acne vulgaris, more  commonly known simply as “acne”.  Acne can cause serious long-lasting physical and emotional scars.  Unfortunately, many parents, even these days, take the “aw, he’ll outgrow it” approach when it comes to this serious condition. They prefer to use “acne home treatment”.  I, Dr. Garrett, personally suffered from it throughout my youth and beyond.  My parents, although skeptical of the benefits of conventional medical intervention, did take me to dermatologists (many).

Standard treatments may prove dangerous as well as ineffective

Standard treatment protocols for acne or so-called acne medicine , then and now, consists of (a) long term use of oral antibiotics as acne medication in conjunction with (b) so called “acne surgery” which involves painful lancing of pustules, and removal of accumulated fluids. In my case and in most others, these treatments  are only temporarily  effective and hardly produce the acne free results sought after.

Furthermore, the hazards of long-term antibiotic use are well known: The destruction of “good” intestinal bacteria that are an important part of our immun