Last May, Spanking FIT interviewed renowned Aussie fitness trainer Austin Edwards in his private gym in Sydney, Australia. The subject of our interview was jockstrap spanking, a somewhat unorthodox element which Austin includes in his massage sessions with his elite professional athletic clients and others. During the interview, Austin was kind enough to elaborate on both the physiological and psychological benefits a good jockstrap spanking affords. Furthermore, Austin told us that he also personally receives a jockstrap spanking each time he visits us in London. Austin always consults London Knights Massage Gay/ Straight – Spanking FIT! to find the very best practitioners. Following this initial kickoff interview, Austin revealed some of his jockstrap spanking secrets in a follow up interview with Spanking FIT– Jockstrap Spanking Secrets of an Elite Aussie Fitness Trainer – Spanking FIT! In it, he explained how jockstrap spanking gets integrated into a post-training or playing massage therapy session. He went on to explain how there is really no fixed approach to administering a proper jockstrap spanking massage and that the employed methods vary from player to player and are also dependent on the specific sport played. In this interview, Austin reveals jockstrap spanking secrets surfing Aussie champion. Bear in mind that professional ethics prevent Austin from disclosing the names of his high-profile clients.
Dr. Garrett: Once again, thank you very much Austin for allowing us to return for another follow-up to a previous interview where you disclosed a few of your jockstrap spanking secrets. We are thrilled that you have agreed to again provide us with a rundown on a recent spanking session you had with an Australian surfing champion who will, of course, remain anonymous.
Austin: Dr. Garrett, I am thrilled.
Dr. Garrett: Before we get into the specific details regarding the recent jockstrap spanking you administered to this player, would you give us a little background information regarding championship surfing in Australia.
Austin: Of course. First, I should point out that Australia is considered one of the world’s premier surfing destinations. Major Aussie tournaments include the Men’s Samsung Galaxy Championship Tour and the Quicksilver Pro Gold Coast. Surfing Australia is the national sporting body that guides and promotes all surfing athletic activities. Australia has produced multiple Association of Surfing Professionals, A.S.P. (now World Surfing League, W.S.L.) world champions. Association statistics indicate that there are approximately 2.5 million recreational surfers in Australia, 420,000 annual surf participants, 107 surf schools and 2,292 accredited surfing coaches. It is further believed that 1 in 10 Australians regularly surf as a recreational activity.
Dr. Garrett: Wow, it is evident that there is a whole lot of surfing going on here. But is the activity that healthy?
Austin: I will have you know that the Australian Department of Health has commissioned studies on the health benefits of surfing. They concluded that the sport promotes cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength and balance. These physical benefits come from the constant paddling through the water, increasing arm and back strength while also increasing the heart rate. Surfing also “gives one a chance to think and relax in an environment that decreases stress and relaxes the muscles”. (see:
Of course, surfing is not without its hazards. It has been estimated that on average 21 deaths per year may be attributed to it, primarily due to “rip currents”. See: NHESS – Brief Communication: A new perspective on the Australian rip current hazard (
Dr. Garrett: Wonderfully informative intro Austin. Now it’s on to that certain champion surfer whom you recently administered a jockstrap spanking to.
Austin: Of course. Our “surfer boy”, whom we shall call Mick, complained to me about being personally bothered by some “unnatural” feelings he was having toward a fellow surfer. This is a common “complaint” across the board in professional sports. The object of his desire, he was sure, was a devout heterosexual who would not entertain the thought of having “gay” sex with him. Previously, he had attempted to entice him in the locker room by displaying himself stark-naked in front of him. He had even gone so far as to walk nude into a popular surf shop which he knew his mate was visiting. I explained to Mick that one of the best ways to control these thoughts and impulses was for me to include a jockstrap spanking in his regular massage regiment. Mick argued at first, but after a little healthy blackmail, he agreed. I assured him that this would be one of my best-kept jockstrap spanking secrets surfing.
Dr. Garrett: What sort of “blackmail” Austin?
Austin: I hinted that I would expose his “unnatural” feelings toward his mate while giving the mate his own regular massage.
Dr. Garrett: How nefarious of you. I suppose it was for his own good?
Austin: It was. Mick came prepared for his spanking session wearing his wet suit. Since surfers don’t usually wear jockstraps underneath, it was necessary for me to provide one for Mick’s jockstrap spanking. Soon Mick was standing before me at attention with his discarded wet suit tossed aside. He was stark naked except for his jockstrap.
Dr. Garrett: With what implement did you administer Mick’s jockstrap spanking?
Austin: Selecting the correct instrument for administering a jockstrap spanking for a champion surfer proved to be a real challenge. The reason being that surfers are not team players and often suffer from considerable vanity and pride. Furthermore, surfers tend to have smaller butt cheeks. In the end, I decided to use a fiberglass surfer’s paddle for punishing Mick’s bare behind. Ironically, the paddle was similar to the ones Mick used to win his championship competitions.

Dr. Garrett: That is ironic. How did Mick react to his bare butt cheek jockstrap spanking Austin?
Austin: Just as I anticipated, Mick reacted with considerable trepidation. After about the third swat, Mick began to wail like a toddler. Later he confided in me that the jockstrap spanking brought back memories of his misbehavior at school and resulting after school punishments by both teachers and by parents.
Dr. Garrett: Thanks a million Austin for giving us a detailed rundown on your jockstrap spanking secrets surfing visa vis a certain high- profile champion Australian surfer. We hope to receive the opportunity to interview you again regarding some of the other sports for which you have incorporated this interesting technique into training and massage. Spanking FIT‘s masseurs and I look forward to seeing you again in London Austin for your own personal jockstrap spanking using London Knights Massage Gay/ Straight – Spanking FIT! Cheers!
Austin: Likewise, Dr. Garrett. Cheers!