Last May, Spanking FIT interviewed renowned Aussie fitness trainer Austin Edwards in his private gym in Sydney, Australia. The subject of our interview was jockstrap spanking, a somewhat unorthodox element which Austin includes in his massage sessions with his elite professional athletic clients and others. During the interview, Austin was kind enough to elaborate on both the physiological and psychological benefits a good jockstrap spanking affords. Furthermore, Austin told us that he also personally receives a jockstrap spanking each time he visits us in London. Austin always consults London Knights Massage Gay/ Straight – Spanking FIT! to find the very best practitioners. Following this initial kickoff interview, Austin revealed some of his jockstrap spanking secrets in a follow up interview with Spanking FIT– Jockstrap Spanking Secrets of an Elite Aussie Fitness Trainer – Spanking FIT! In it, he explained how jockstrap spanking gets integrated into a post-training or playing massage therapy session. He went on to explain how there is really no fixed approach to administering a proper jockstrap spanking massage and that the employed methods vary from player to player and are also dependent on the specific sport played. In this interview, Austin reveals jockstrap spanking secrets rugby professional player. Bear in mind that professional ethics prevent Austin from disclosing the names of his high-profile clients.
Dr. Garrett: Once again, thank you very much Austin for allowing us to return and have a follow-up to the previous interview where you disclosed a few of your jockstrap spanking secrets. We are thrilled that you have agreed to provide us with a rundown on a recent session you had with an Australian champion rugby player who will, of course, remain anonymous.
Austin: The pleasure is all mine Dr. Garrett.
Dr. Garrett: Please continue Mr. Edwards. On to jockstrap spanking secrets rugby professional player.
Austin: First off, I would like to say that rugby players are among my favorite clients because they are especially amenable to the concept of including a jockstrap spanking in their training sessions. Such was the case with this particular lad who was playfully “thrashed”. Let’s call him Dylan for the time being. Dylan felt guilty about staying out late drinking the night before a big game. He was extremely apologetic about it and asked for forgiveness. I explained to him that had his behavior adversely affected his playing performance during the game (there were no signs that it did), he would have let his teammates and fans down in a big way. Dylan was truly sorry.
Dr. Garrett: Did you go easy on Dylan because of his contrition?
Austin: Not at all. An infraction is an infraction, and all players must face the consequences of bad behavior regardless of the degree of remorse.
Dr. Garrett: Did Dylan come to you wearing a jockstrap?
Austin: No. Dylan came casually dressed and wearing boxer shorts underneath blue jeans. So, I instructed him to strip off naked. Dylan who is 21 years old is a sturdily built lad- 190 cm. tall, weighing 90 kg. He is also well-endowed. I fit him into an extra-large jockstrap for his spanking. Since it was his first “offense”, I told Dylan he would receive just 20 swats with the plexiglass paddle across his bare behind. Remember, wearing a jockstrap during a spanking provides protection to the man’s private parts and the sensitive area of the groin. See- Jockstrap – Wikipedia.
Dr. Garrett: As you mentioned in our previous interview, the choice of spanking instrument depends on how sturdy the subject’s buttocks appear to be.
Austin: Precisely. Most rugby players fall into the plexiglass “punishment” category.
Dr. Garrett: How was Dylan positioned for his jockstrap spanking? Standing, bent over, or lying down?
Austin: I prefer the classical British caning position with the subject bent over the back of a chair. This causes the gluteal muscles to stretch thus producing the proper sting with the paddle.
Dr. Garrett: During the Victorian era in England, it was common for a ginger root to be inserted in the spankee’s anus during his spanking. Have you considered doing it that way?
Austin: Not so far, but there is always the future.
Dr. Garrett: Please continue Austin. How did Dylan take his jockstrap spanking? Was it his first?
Austin: Yes, this was indeed Dylan’s initiation to the world of jockstrap spanking. He took it well. I could see that he grew more uncomfortable as the count increased. After about the third or fourth swat he began to squirm a bit so that it was necessary for me to remind him to remain immobile while keeping his “arse” in the air, and to hold on tightly to the sides of the chair. When it was over, Dylan thanked me and spontaneously shook my hand.
Dr. Garrett: Please describe the condition of his buttocks pre & post jockstrap spanking.
Austin: Of course. As I previously stated Dylan has sturdy gluteal muscles, the whiteness of which is in stark contrast to his otherwise bronzed body. His “buns” are relatively hairless with the exception of a light blond stubble in the vicinity of his gluteus cleft. After the spanking, they took on a glowing rosy tone. Several minor abrasions ornamented his otherwise flawless flesh.
Dr. Garrett: What immediately followed Dylan’s jockstrap spanking? A standard sports massage?
Austin: Not quite. Immediately following the jockstrap spanking came a soothing deep tissue massage of the gluteal muscles using a Lanacane cream. From there I proceeded to full body sports massage.
Dr. Garrett: Thanks a million Austin for giving us a detailed rundown on of your jockstrap spanking secrets rugby visa vis a certain high- profile Australian rugby star. We hope to receive the opportunity to interview you again regarding some of the other sports for which you have incorporated this interesting technique into training and massage. Spanking FIT‘s masseurs and I look forward to seeing you again in London Austin for your own personal jockstrap spanking using London Knights Massage Gay/ Straight – Spanking FIT! Cheers!
Austin: Likewise, Dr. Garrett. The feeling is mutual.