All posts by doctorgarrett

Jockstrap Spanking

jockstrap spanking
jockstrap spanking

Interview with Australian fitness trainer Austin Edwards on “Jockstrap Spanking”

The following interview with renowned Austin Edwards was conducted by “Spanking FIT” last month in his private gym in Sydney:

Doctor Garrett– Austin, I know that as a renowned Aussie fitness trainer who has worked with numerous sports figures in your country, that you advocate discipline in training.

Austin- Yes, strict discipline is the key to achieving fitness goals whether it be for professional players or just ordinary blokes.

Doctor Garrett– I also understand that you are an advocate for regular massage.

Austin– Also, right! When visiting London, I always use London Knights Massage Gay/ Straight – Spanking FIT! to select the best masseur.

Doctor Garrett– If not, I would have been disappointed. However, like a growing number of fitness professionals, you advocate something somewhat unorthodox- jockstrap spanking with the buttocks bared as a prelude to the massage.

Austin– That’s right. The gluteal muscles are among the largest in the human body. Stimulation of them through spanking produces ubiquitous bodily blood flow in a salubrious manner.

Doctor Garrett– There are also sexual benefits to spanking as well, aren’t there? I know that “sex” is a taboo subject among antiquated regulatory bodies. However, periodic sexual release is an important bodily function which contributes to the mental and physical health of the individual.

Austin– Right on! Spanking heightens orgasm intensity and enhances the release of endorphins in the brain leading to a natural state of relaxation.

Doctor Garrett– There are additional psychological benefits also. Would you care to discuss those?

Austin– Of course! In Australia, most boys are still spanked by their parents growing up. Spanking induces a brief return to childhood when we are otherwise protected by our parents and don’t have to deal with the uncertainties of living on our own as adults. It induces a return to a state of innocence and complete relaxation of the mind.

Doctor Garrett– Finally, why do you advocate Jockstrap Spanking as opposed to total nudity (unfamiliar technically with the jockstrap? Consult Wikipedia

Austin– It’s for safety purposes. Jockstrap Spanking provides more protection to men’s private parts and the sensitive area of the groin.

Doctor Garrett– Thank you very much Austin for giving our readers an opportunity to learn your philosophy on Jockstrap Spanking. Please continue using London Knights Massage Gay/ Straight – Spanking FIT! to meet your personal massage needs when visiting London. Goodnight Austin!