Category Archives: HEALTH & NUTRITION

Does C.I.A. Torture U.S. Citizens Domestically?


Shocking news: American Intel may be engaged in domestic torture of elderly & disabled vets!

Recently we shared with our online friends and followers our experience at a first rate hotel near Seattle where a colleague and I were subjected to strange, yet common, noise harassment from neighboring rooms, including hammering on ceilings and on walls. (Many of my colleagues and I have had similar experiences in past travels throughout the U.S.) The purpose of this particular trip was for us to give a presentation to a group on alternative medicine topics, similar in content to our posts on this web site. (Thanks to social media, we were able to trade equivalent harassment experiences with others, online). The consensus of opinion on social media is that this is the work of either the C.I.A., or a modern day counterpart to Cointelpro, an F.B.I. organization.  Being loyal patriotic Americans with no criminal or even political activity on our part, we were befuddled by that possibility!

Before returning from our Seattle trip, we decided to investigate by inquiring if other guests at the same hotel were experiencing similar harassment. The results of our inquiry were astounding: A disabled veteran of the Iraq war by the name of Robert was tortured in a similar manner with persistent hammering on the wall. Since he was a long term guest at the hotel, he told us that he called police. Not surprisingly, nothing changed. The hammering continued. We also talked to an elderly and recently widowed woman by the name of Barbara with Parkinson’s disease. She told us that her husband had been retired from the military. She too was being subjected to the same agony. Both Robert and Barbara believe that their predicament results from their past relationship with U.S. military and possibly damaging information they possess. We provided emergency assistance to both of these individuals in moving out of the hotel to a smaller privately owned one that, hopefully, does not have contracts with American intel agencies, as the larger chains such as Marriott and Hilton do.

We then made a conscious decision on our part to prolong our stay in the Seattle hotel to assist the elderly and U.S. military vets who are being systematically tortured through the use of noise harassment tactics. For example, an elderly man by the name of Frank, also retired from U.S. military, reported that his neighbor in the unit below is preventing him from sleeping by hammering all night on the ceiling. We investigated the identity of this individual, and she is either a Catholic nun, or is masquerading as one. Let me add that we have nothing but respect for those Catholic clergy involved in charitable works, but we thought that nuns who assisted in torture of the elderly were gone with the Middle Ages. Please stay tuned for future developments. So far, only one elderly person staying here has been taken to morgue: but, we cannot say for certain that the death was related to similar torture. In the meantime, if you or anyone else knows of a senior or a disabled vet who is being tortured like this, please leave a comment, or immediately contact me at Thanks a million. Sincerely, Doctor Garrett (By the way, my attorney who is also a Harvard grad informed me that he was tortured by the C.I.A. in his home with all-night rock music, in lieu of hammering.) Here’s a sample: