Nutrition and Noise-Induced Hearing Loss


Nutritional supplements may cure and prevent some noise-induced hearing loss (N.I.H.L.)

There are many types of sudden hearing loss and hearing loss causes.  Recently, I experienced an alarming, yet common type: noise induced hearing loss.  While jogging one sunny afternoon in the vicinity of a popular air show, I suddenly experienced complete hearing loss in one ear following a series of sonic blasts emitted by the participating jet planes.  I responded by panicking. As anyone who has had this happen to them knows, loss of hearing in one ear not only diminishes our overall hearing ability, but also causes a strange form of disorientation whereby our brains our unable to accurately determine the source of sounds.  For example, we might be able to tell from the sound of its horn that an automobile is in our vicinity, but be completely incapable of determining where it is situated exactly.  There are obvious safety hazards associated with this hearing impairment type.  I decided that a trip to the nearest hospital emergency room was warranted.

The E.R. doctor who conducted the otoscopic examination concluded that I had suffered a ruptured ear drum with possible damage to the cochlea located in the inner ear.  He gave me a prescription for antibiotics and a referral to an otolaryngologist or an “ear doctor”.  The ear doctor’s office was located next door to the hospital, so that I was able to walk over and talk to the receptionist the same day.  She informed me that there had been several cases of hearing loss thanks to the air show, and that the doctor, once I got to see him ( he was heavily booked) would perform outpatient surgery and place a small patch over the perforation.  Healing generally takes between “2-3 months” and several follow up visits would be required, I was told.  In the meantime, I was instructed to take the antibiotic,  keep the ear dry, and wait for my appointment date.

Caution: Antibiotics can have serious side effects including hearing loss!

I was unable to tolerate the prescribed dosage of antibiotic.  In addition to causing diarrhea that I expected, it also caused mental fog and confusion. It was necessary to discontinue use. Upon research, I also learned an ironic fact:  a common side effect of many antibiotics is loss of hearing!

Here come nutritional supplements to the rescue (Zinc, Vitamin C, Magnesium and Alpha Lipoic Acid)

I already know that a combination of Zinc and Vitamin C taken orally fights infection and promotes healing. I also know that zinc supplementation, in particular, is therapeutic in treating skin conditions like acne and in increasing sexual performance. (See: “Young Adults with Acne May Benefit from Zinc”; Spanking FIT, Oct. 2014.)  I increased my normal supplement dosages and also applied heat to the affected ear with the aid of an inexpensive heating pad to promote blood circulation and to promote healing. I also researched the subject of noise induced hearing loss (N.I.H.L.) and came upon several relevant studies that were published in journals. (1) “The role of antioxidants in protecting from impulse noise” by Henderson, et. al. published in the Annals of the N.Y. Academy of Sciences,1999 Nov. 28;884:368-380 and (2) “The effect of alpha-lipoic acid on temporary threshold shifts in humans” by N. Quaranta, et. al. published in ACTA Otorhinolaryngologica Italica; Dec. 2012; 32(6); 380-385. Both of these papers present statistical evidence that the use of antioxidants such as alpha lipoic acid can alleviate damage caused by oxidative stress resulting from exposure to loud noise. (Such stress is believed to be a cause of loss of outer hairs in the cochlea, with resulting hearing loss.) (3) “Oral magnesium intake reduces permanent hearing loss induced by noise exposure”, by J. Attias, et. al.; published in The American Journal of Otolaryngology; Jan.-Feb. 1994; 15: 26-32. This publication presents statistical evidence that Magnesium is effective against noise-induced ear damage.

Now I am not a believer in miracle cures by any means; but,  by the time my appointment date arrived with the ear doctor, my normal hearing had already been restored, and the exam revealed no abnormalities of the ear. Surgery was averted. (Note: There are no studies cited on the U.S. N.I.H. website regarding the efficacy of alpha lipoic acid regarding hearing loss. There are a few regarding Magnesium supplementation.)

Let us hear from you regarding your personal experiences and opinions on the subject.  Thank you very much.

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