Prevent Groin Injury and Inguinal Hernia

Prevent Groinal Injury

Prevent groin injury and inguinal hernia

All of us who take our workouts seriously, especially men, experience an occasional pinching or burning sensation in the area of our groin.  Although many tend to ignore it, this can be a warning sign of development of  inguinal hernia, whereby a portion of our bowel may  migrate toward our scrotal sack through the inguinal canal. When this occurs, surgery may be required. The possibility of this happening increases with age as the tendon which holds the inguinal canal closed begins to weaken.  Don’t ignore this important warning signal. Instead, fight back by performing the following exercises whenever you experience this discomfort:

3 suggested exercises for avoiding the surgeons knife

(1) Lie on your back, either in bed or on a softly carpeted floor.  Pull your hips and legs up and over your chest using your hands. Hold this position for several seconds. Slowly return to the original prone position.

(2) Again, while lying down comfortably, point your left foot straight up towards the ceiling so that your leg is vertical. Pull a towel wrapped around the back of the sole of your foot towards your chest with both hands and without moving the leg.  Let the leg act as resistance. Repeat with the right leg as illustrated below: exercisemainb


(3)  The exercise that works wonders for inguinal strain in helping to avoid the surgeon’s knife is hanging upside down for a period of time.  This, of course, requires additional apparatus in order to be  safely performed.