It was out of growing concern about false claims and exaggerations that abound in media that in 2014 I, Dr. Garrett, launched my site Spanking FIT! ( I introduced it as a “spanking new” approach to health, medicine, fitness, and sexual topics based on REAL Science. As explained in the site’s ABOUT US section, a common source of false claims in health-related fields are peer-reviewed papers published in well-regarded scientific journals. Their authors, while well trained in medicine, often have little or no education in the Science of Statistical Inference, also. Understandably, the media journalists who report on them do not possess the skills to critically evaluate them. My stated objective was a thorough investigation into all popular claims using my own uniquely perfected statistical expertise. It is my belief that with reader input, I have been able so far to take a modest step forward toward achieving my goal. What major topics did Spanking FIT cover in 2016? They are best summarized as (1) natural health restoration and performance enhancement using human bodily acid supplementation (H.B.A.S) (2) natural illness prevention (3) natural pain alleviation, and (4) healthful recreation and nudity. Here’s a summary of major recent scientific discoveries made by Spanking FIT:
Natural health restoration and performance enhancement using human bodily acid supplementation (H.B.A.S)
In 2016, Spanking FIT rigorously evaluated published efficacy research pertaining to four important natural bodily acid supplements: alpha lipoic acid, L-carnitine, L-citrulline, and taurine. Natural supplementation therapy, if effective, obviously may provide a much safer alternative to conventional pharmaceutical therapy. We present below a summary of findings in tabular form. Column 1 of each table names the natural acid supplement. Column 2 summarizes the most common health/ medical claims made about it by so-called medical “authorities”. Column 3 presents a summary of published research “findings” based on clinical trial outcomes. Note my use of quotation marks around the word findings. This is due to the fact that much published medical research suffers from common weaknesses and flaws, especially in the field of statistical data analysis. These flaws, in most cases, do not completely undermine published claims, in my opinion. Rather they call attention to the need for additional experimental work and improved statistical design and analysis in order to validate them. Let’s get started:
Natural Bodily Acid | Commonly claimed supplementation benefits | Claims made in published clinical trial outcomes | Uncovered weaknesses & flaws in published works |
Alpha lipoic (A.L.)/ thioctic acid | 1) AL is an anti-oxidant which limits damage to body cells caused by free radicals. | (a) Supplementation with AL lowers creatine kinase (C.K.) content of muscles following aerobic/ anaerobic exercise (C.K. is a marker for muscle damage.) | (a) Small sample sizes, inappropriate parametric stat tests. |
(b) Supplementation with A.L. reduces oxidative stress to the muscles of athletes. | (b) Small sample sizes, inappropriate parametric stat tests. | ||
(2) A.L plays important role in energy metabolism | (a) Supplementation with A.L. enhances exercise work performance
(athletes performed isometric/ isokinetic exercise of their quadricep muscles) |
(a) Small sample sizes, inappropriate parametric stat tests. | |
(b) Increases PGC-1 alpha protein activation in mice (said protein induces cells to synthesize mitochondria) | (b) Small sample sizes, inappropriate parametric stat tests, extremely high doses used (human equiv. of 40 gms. per day) | ||
(c) Yields higher relative percentage of lean mass to total mass in mice. | (c) Small sample sizes, inappropriate parametric stat tests, extremely high doses used (human equiv. of 40 gms. per day) | ||
(d) Elevates E.P.O. levels in young athletes. | (d) Small sample sizes, inappropriate parametric stat tests. | ||
(e) Yields weight reduction | (e) Potential conflict of interest on the part of researchers
(work sponsored by Dalim BioTech, manufacturer of A.L.) |
(f) lowers food consumption in mice (Nature Medicine publication) | (f) Small sample sizes, inappropriate parametric stat tests |
For the detailed results please read: “Can Alpha Lipoic Transform Your Body?“; Spanking FIT, Jan. 2016, Recent scientific discoveries made by Spanking FIT
Natural Bodily Acid | Commonly claimed supplementation benefits | Claims made in published clinical trial outcomes | Uncovered weaknesses & flaws in published work |
L-carnitine: amino acid derivative of Lysine | (1) Memory improvement | (a) Improvement in both total no. of intact mitochondria and ultra-structures of neurons in hippocampus of rat brain. | (a) Small sample sizes, inappropriate parametric stat tests. |
(2) Transports cellular fuel in form of fatty acids across mitochondria membranes to oxidation sites | (a) Improves symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome (C.F.S.) including declines in “attention concentration”. | (a) Lack of a control or a placebo group.
Appearance of a conflict of interest on part of study authors. |
(b) Decreases mental & physical fatigue, & increases cognitive function in elderly patients | (b) Research study involved centenarians only. | ||
(c) Enhances athletic performance | (c) Small sample sizes, inappropriate parametric stat tests, appropriate stat tests yielded non-significant results. | ||
(d) Improved male sexual performance which is safer than t-supplementation (e.g. prostate volume (P.V.) does not increase.) | (d) Less than ideal stat tests were employed, an appearance of a conflict of interest on part of researchers. |
For detailed results please read: “Does l-carnitine Enhance Sexual performance & more?“; Spanking FIT, Aug. 2016, Recent scientific discoveries made by Spanking FIT.
Natural Bodily Acid | Commonly claimed benefits of supplementation | Claims made in published clinical trial outcomes | Uncovered weaknesses & flaws in published work |
L-arginine/ citrulline | (1) Increases production of the enzyme NOS, which in turn increases NO production in endothelial tissue of arteries & veins yielding improved blood circulation. | (a) Supplementation improves erectile response
(b) Improves sexual satisfaction (c) Enhances aerobic athletic performance (d) Enhances anaerobic athletic performance & aids in muscle repair |
(a) & (b) The majority of studies used small sample sizes; some study results were erroneously reported as statistically significant; only a single study supports claimed hypotheses.
(c) Small sample sizes; inappropriate stat tests; conflict of interest appearances |
For detailed results read: “Penis Improvement Ideas”; Spanking FIT, Sept. 2016.
Natural Bodily Acid | Commonly claimed benefits of supplementation | Claims made in published clinical trial outcomes | Observed weaknesses & flaws in published work |
taurine | Enhanced athletic performance | Improvements in concentric strength of athletes | Researchers employed inappropriate stat tests |
Improved isometric strength of athletes | Small sample sizes; inappropriate stat tests | ||
Decreased oxidative damage to muscles | Small sample sizes; inappropriate stat tests | ||
Improvements in treadmill performance of heart patients | Small sample sizes; inappropriate stat tests |
For detailed results read: “Are Taurine Energy Drink Claims Bull?”; Spanking FIT, Oct. 2016.
Based on the above observed weaknesses and flaws in published medical research, Spanking FIT recommends that researchers slow down and focus on fewer human physiological parameters, while paying greater attention to critical statistical data requirements. Also, it is essential that they improve the quality of statistical analysis that they use.
Natural Illness Prevention
Recent scientific discoveries made by Spanking FIT- The skin cancer paradox
Spanking FIT advocates regular moderate sunshine exposure (preferably nude) for health reasons. Consequently, it was necessary for me to investigate common overexposure warnings and sunscreen use recommendations from the medical community. In “Can Sunscreen Cause Skin Cancer?” Spanking FIT, March 2016, I evaluated published research pertaining to the current medical controversy regarding causality between sunshine exposure and both melanomic and non-melanomic skin cancer. (Melanoma is the more deadly form of that disease). Recently, some researchers have taken a dissenting position by suggesting that a lack of adequate sunshine, and not over-exposure, may be causal for melanoma. Spanking FIT got started by reviewing key references cited by the World Health Organization (W.H.O) which, in their opinion, support the sunshine/ overexposure skin cancer hypothesis. We were surprised to discover that principal W.H.O. references contain results that are not statistically significant and; hence, do not validate their claims. (see, for example, ). We also uncovered non-W.H.O. research which suggested that a negative correlation actually exists between sunshine exposure and incidence of melanomic skin cancer. This is to say that inadequate sunshine exposure may, in some cases, be causal for melanoma. These apparent contradictions led Spanking FIT to question the standard methodology used by W.H.O. researchers and others which consists of comparing incidence rates among populations located in different latitudes and therefore receiving different U.V. exposure levels. We noted that studied populations had probably adapted to their environments following the laws of environmental selection, and that such adaptive behavior would tend to invalidate their method of studying sunshine exposure/ skin cancer correlation by using latitude comparisons. Subsequently, Spanking FIT performed an independent comparison of melanoma rates in Oslo, Norway versus Helsinki, Finland. (Both cities are at the same latitude and have similar populations with respect to skin type and sunshine exposure patterns.) We discovered that Oslo has a much higher adjusted incidence rate than Helsinki. Our findings suggest that there are other unknown contributing factors to melanoma development aside from sunshine exposure patterns. On the other hand, our discovery that the adjusted melanoma rate of Australians compared to Brits is substantially higher, led us to conjecture that high melanoma incidence may result when a population that is not environmentally selected for prolonged exposure to high intensity U.V. radiation is transplanted to such a high U.V. environment.
Recent scientific discoveries made by Spanking FIT- The nasty debate on circumcision within the medical community
In “To Cut or Not to Cut-the Circumcision Question“, May 2016, Spanking FIT addressed another well-publicized medical controversy regarding the age-old practice of male circumcision. (This one has become especially nasty among medical “professionals”, even resulting in malicious online name-calling.) We began with an examination of U.S. Centers for Disease Control (C.D.C.) claims that “circumcision reduces risk that a man will acquire H.I.V. from a female partner, and also lowers risk of other S.T.D.s”. C.D.C. further makes the claim that there exists a reduced risk of cervical cancer and H.P.V. for female sex partners of circumcised males. Upon review of published research that C.D.C. cited to back up their claims, Spanking FIT discovered significant defects in both their methodology and in their analysis. In the majority of studies, researchers failed to record the safe sex practices of participants. Whether or not an individual practices safe sex obviously influences their chances of acquiring an S.T.D., regardless of their circumcision status. In one major clinical trial conducted in Africa by the Male Circumcision Partnership and which was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, research “findings” were confounded by the fact that a large percentage of trial participants did not use condoms during sex. This would, of course, tend to exaggerate the importance of circumcision as a S.T.D. preventative measure. Spanking FIT also conducted an independent comparative risk assessment and found that for those individuals who consistently use condoms during intercourse, circumcision affords only miniscule reduction in probability of acquiring H.I.V. infection. Spanking FIT also presented analysis which suggests that high quality latex condoms, when used correctly, are very effective in preventing a wide range of S.T.D.s. Finally, we reviewed research asserting that an uncircumcised penis provides enhanced sexual pleasure for a man.
Recent scientific discoveries made by Spanking FIT- Exercising for “Healthy Body Art” in lieu of tattoos
Legitimate concerns on the part of Spanking FIT regarding tattooing health risks, especially among the very young, led us to embark on our “Healthy Body Art for the ‘Boys’ & the ‘Girls‘” series. The series contains exercise sets designed to safely enhance sexual attractiveness of the female and the male body, but without the health hazards of commercial “body art” such as tattoos and piercings. So far, our series includes exercises for acquiring Venus Dimples, for enhancing the Butt, for developing Broad Shoulders, for enhancing the Chest, Biceps & Triceps, and the Legs. In the Legs segment, Spanking FIT also evaluated health claims that cycling is beneficial for rehabilitation of the knees following injury and even following knee surgery. Cycling may in certain cases also be prescribed for such chronic knee conditions as osteoarthritis (O.A.). The unproven theory behind this assertion is that cycling “nourishes” joint cartilage. Spanking FIT discovered that presently only anecdotal evidence exists to back up these common medical practices, and that there is a lack of experimental work refuting or affirming them. The good news, however, is that clinical trials are presently underway in Oslo, Norway to investigate this issue. We also examined the current sports controversy pertaining to “deep squatting”, and whether or not this exercise type leads to serious degeneration of the knees over the long term, as some believe. Our evaluation of published research indicated that, although professional weight lifters are at increased risk for O.A., there is no evidence that those who incorporate moderate squatting into their regular exercise routines are at any risk. Finally, for those concerned about the risk of long term joint injury from conventional squatting, Hindu Squatting may provide a safer alternative with added aerobic benefits.
Recent scientific discoveries made by Spanking FIT- A vitamin D connection to muscle health & repair?
Reliable sources indicate that over 100 million Americans each year suffer from some form of chronic pain. Conventional chronic pain treatments including steroids carry with them serious side effects such as osteoporosis and aseptic necrosis (bone death). Over-prescription of opioid pain killers has contributed to the current U.S. addiction crisis. For this reason, Spanking FIT decided to embark on its Scientific Advancements in Pain series where we evaluate research pertaining to more natural pain alleviation remedies. The series begins with the topic of “shoulder pain”. First, we evaluated the efficacy of Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy (M.T.P.T.) in treating chronic pain. M.T.P.T. is based on the theory that chronic pain may be the result of small knots which develop in muscle fascia following injury or strain. M.T.P.T. practitioners believe that it is possible to eliminate pain by massaging out these fascia knots. Spanking FIT’s research evaluation uncovered clinical trial evidence that supports the theory. I also uncovered solid scientific evidence that Vitamin D not only plays a well-recognized important role in bone health, but also in maintaining the health of skeletal muscles. Hence, vitamin D therapy also shows promise in alleviating chronic muscle pain following injury or strain.
Recent scientific discoveries made by Spanking FIT- Healthy Recreation & Nudity
The scientific evidence is convincing that moderate all over sun light exposure benefits human health. There is even unconfirmed evidence that exposing male genitalia to sun light may be healthier yet! For this reason, Spanking FIT embarked on a quasi-scientific international nude beach evaluation. The evaluation begins in North America. Part I-A covers the U.S. state of California. Part I-B covers the Pacific Northwest including Oregon, U.S.A., and Vancouver, British Columbia. Also there is , Part I-C: “Dangerously Naked-Nude Beaches of Mexico”, Part I-D: “Skinny Dipping in the Southern U.S.A.”, and Part I-E: “Fellow Travelers-Hit the Nude Beaches of Communist Cuba”. Stay tuned for more to come in 2017.